A second peaceful protest is taking place in Waco near the suspension bridge Saturday.
The event is called "Waco's commUNITY peaceful rally for change," and will start at 4 p.m. at 101 N University Park, Waco, Texas 76701.
"We will continue honoring the lives of those lost to racist policing and bruality against Black individuals, making space to honor the true Black history of resilience and overcoming in the face of overwhelming struggle and oppression, while also talking about ways to use those feelings of anger and turn it into change," the event organizers said.
After a successful and peaceful protest last Sunday, organizers were hoping to keep the momentum going and encourage more Central Texans to join the movement.

"We weren't scratching our brains but kind of wrapping our heads around what we could do next and I thought it was perfect because it keeps pushing them and getting people out and putting some constructive energy into the atmosphere into the city," organizer Deviar Woodson said.
Organizers say this is more of a demonstration than a protest.
"It's a little different from last time, but were still trying to still wanting to get people amped up and push them in the right direction for what they can do to create change," Woodson said.
Speakers pushed protesters to support local Black businesses in an effort to further unite the Waco community, and elevate the lives of those asking for justice.
A march through downtown Waco followed the demonstration, with demonstrators taking a knee at the corner of Austin and 5th in honor of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement.