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Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center implement changes to visitor policies

New Carl R Darnall Army Medical Center in Fort Hood opened for patient care
and last updated

FORT HOOD, TX — Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center is implementing changes to facility access and visitor policies throughout its clinics and medical homes.

The changes are to help prevent the spread of coronavirus to Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees and employees.

Restricted access points and mandatory patient screenings to rapidly identify individuals who may have symptoms of respiratory illness are being implemented at all Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center facilities.

Patient Screenings are already underway at Thomas Moore Health Clinic, Soldier Centered Medical Home, and began Wednesday, March 18, at the main hospital.

Beneficiaries concerned that they may be exhibiting symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a cold, or flu should call their clinics before coming to any of CRDAMC’s medical facilities. Please call 254.288.8888 during normal business hours to be connected with your clinic, or the Army Public Health Nursing 24-hour hotline at 254.553.6612.

Beneficiaries and visitors who arrive at any screening point and meet the clinical threshold for further evaluation will be directed to the Respiratory Illness Clinic (RIC) for additional medical assessment and instructions.

Patients are encouraged to use virtual care options routine appointments that do not require a face-to-face visit.

Virtual health options include Secure Messaging through the TRICARE online portal and telephone consultation through the patient appointing service (PAS) at 254.288.8888. Web visits are also available through the TRICARE online portal.

When coming to the MEDCEN for non-emergency appointments, patients (and one support companion age 16 years or older) should enter the building through the screening point located at the main entrance. Patients should allow extra time to arrive for appointments to complete the screening process.

When coming to the MEDCEN for a non-COVID-19 medical emergency, patients (and one support companion age 16 years or older) should report to the emergency room.

All CRDAMC inpatient and outpatient clinics will also observe a modified visitation policy.

Effective immediately, inpatient visitation is limited to one visitor at least 16 years of age. For outpatient clinic appointments, beneficiaries are limited to one support companion age 16 years or older.

All visitors will be screened before entering clinical areas.

A visitor will only be allowed if they do not have symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath).

Additionally, visitors under the age of 16 and over the age of 60 will not be allowed except under extraordinary circumstances.

Visitors must stay in the patient's room the entire time of the visit. Once the visitor leaves the patient room, they must leave the hospital.

CRDAMC’s Main Outpatient Pharmacy and Clear Creek PX Pharmacy implemented mandatory prescription drop-off March 20. Patients should drop off prescriptions and return later to pick up. The move is aimed at limiting congregating and social distancing practices to prevent the spread of the virus. Patients will receive a text message or automated phone call when their prescription is ready. Patients should estimate a three to four hour turn around for pick up.

If beneficiaries do not receive a phone call or text within 24 hours, they should call 254.288.8800 (Main Pharmacy) or 254.618.7024 (Clear Creek PX).

The Patient Advocacy and Ombudsmen offices have suspended face-to-face services until further notice. Please contact their offices for assistance on regular duty days via telephone from 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.