

Temperatures continue to rise

Posted at 5:59 PM, Jun 22, 2024

25 WEATHER — We have left behind the chances of rain for a while. Clouds have dotted the sky today but we will see fewer of those as tomorrow comes along. Temperatures will also be going up a bit, with a high of 97° expected tomorrow. Monday through Thursday could be as hot if not a degree hotter. Morning lows will continue to be in the mid-70s. Expect partly cloudy skies for most every day of the week ahead.

With the current weather pattern in place, it will be difficult to get any kind of isolated shower or storm activity. Thursday may bring a very small chance to the Brazos Valley, but outside of that, we might have to wait another week to see any kind of raindrops. There is slim potential of a storm or two returning to the region by the end of the following weekend, but data at that range is still fuzzy.

Caleb Chevalier
25 Weather