

Spring-Like Warmth ahead of Stronger Cold Front

Highs will climb into the low 80s this afternoon before a strong cold front works in later on tonight. An isolated storm will be possible along the front.

CENTRAL TEXAS — Today is going to be a day of weather changes here in Central Texas. We're kicking off the morning with cool temperatures in the 40s and even some patchy fog southeast of Waco-Temple-Killeen. That fog is found along a stalled out front that will work back north as warm air overtakes it this afternoon. This will bring up the humidity along with the temperatures. By afternoon, we'll see highs nearing the 80s!

The second change comes later tonight as a stronger cold front comes in. Ahead of that front, a stray storm could pop, but nothing widespread or severe is expected. Behind the front, temperatures will quickly fall into the 40s and will likely hover there into tomorrow with stubborn clouds. With the wind, it will feel like the 30s.

A few freezes will be possible over the next few mornings before warmer air returns heading into next week. Highs will once again near the 70s.

Have a great Wednesday!

Meteorologist Josh Johns
25 Weather