

Rain possible on Monday, but not everywhere


25 WEATHER — Like yesterday, it has been a day of almost total blue sky, with just a few cirrus clouds here and there. One of the few differences in our weather tomorrow is that we should see a few more clouds. Temperatures could be a degree or two lower, but still in the low-90s. Still no chance of rain in the area for tomorrow, but isolated showers and storms could return as soon as Monday. There could be a handful of storms that may pop up Monday afternoon, but most places will miss those.

However, Tuesday brings along another chance of some storms here and there in the afternoon, and possibly overnight as well. During this time of isolated storm activity, high temperatures will range from the upper-80s to low-90s. Brief showers could make another appearance on Wednesday before we return to another dry stretch starting on Thursday. Hot and dry weather will continue through next weekend.

Caleb Chevalier
25 Weather