

Rain chances continue this week

Calmer conditions by the end of the week

25 WEATHER — A slightly cooler day across Central Texas with temperatures in the 70s and 80s. We will continue to see chances of rain through today, showers and the potential for storms, but we are not expecting severe weather. We will continue to track these storms if they do develop.

Heading into this week, storm chances will continue across Central Texas, especially Monday and Tuesday.

The weather pattern will quiet down a bit by the middle to end of the week. But we will still see slight chances Wednesday and Thursday. Which is a good thing, we will take all the rain we can get.

Temperatures will continue to warm up this week as well. Temperatures will remain in the 80s but we could see a few days into the low 90s by the end of the week.

Storm chances will return Sunday and Monday of next week but that is still a few days away so things may change, we will fine tune things as we get closer. Just make sure to stay up to date with the forecasts.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and remain weather ready!

Meteorologist Matthew Hidalgo
25 Weather