

No end of 100s yet


25 WEATHER — While no Heat Advisories are currently in effect, it's still a good idea to practice heat safety, like limiting your time outdoors, drinking water, and wearing light & loose clothing. Highs over the next few days will be about 102° to 103°. Each afternoon through the week ahead will be partly cloudy. It's possible that a shower or two could creep into the B/CS area tomorrow afternoon.

Outside of that, it looks like we'll be rain-free until Friday and Saturday. Even then, those two days only carry a 20% chance of rain. We'll have to wait for high pressure to weaken before more substantial changes are made, and it could be a while before that happens. Highs should remain at or above 100° for at least the next ten days.

Caleb Chevalier
KXXV Meteorologist