

Hot for the weekend

Highs will climb into the upper 90s today with plenty of sunshine. Expect temperatures to near the triple digits through the weekend.

CENTRAL TEXAS — Highs will climb into the upper 90s today with plenty of sunshine. Expect temperatures to near the triple digits through the weekend.


  • Hot pattern starts today.
  • Highs in the upper 90s, with some nearing the triple digits Saturday and Sunday
  • Cloud cover will have an impact on temperatures this weekend
  • Hot pattern continues into next week with little in the way of rain chances.

Boy, I hope you enjoyed the fall-like feel the first half of this week, because mother nature is transporting us right back into summer starting today. Highs will climb into the upper 90s this afternoon, and with the humidity will likely feel above 100. As a result, overnight lows will only be able to fall into the mid 70s. Expect it to get even hotter Saturday, with some areas reaching the triple digits. It will be highly dependent on the thickness of a high cloud deck that is supposed to work in. If they remain thin, we will see highs in the triple digits. If they're thicker, we get stuck in the upper 90s. Still, that's hot either way so take your heat precautions if you have outdoor plans.
It looks like the hot pattern will continue into next week with mid 90s hanging around! Some small rain chances will be around Monday, and potentially next weekend when a pattern shift may try to develop. For now, plan on a hot next 10 days!

Have a great Friday!

Meteorologist Josh Johns
25 Weather