

Heat Advisory into Thursday

Highs in the upper 90s
and last updated

25 WEATHER — It's hot outside, but temperatures are actually normal for this time of year. Our normal high for late July and early August is 98°. We are forecasting highs around 98° Wednesday and Thursday. We may creep closer to 100° as we get into Friday. Heat index values will make it close to 105° along I-35 and over 105° east of I-35. That is why a heat advisory will likely be in effect for the rest of the week. Make sure you are staying hydrated!

A plume of African dust is working its way into Texas from the Gulf of Mexico. This will cause some hazy conditions from time to time, especially during the late afternoon and evening hours. If you are highly sensitive to this dust, you may experience some respiratory issues.

The weekend looks plenty hot. Highs will be 100-102° Saturday with a weak boundary in the area. With the boundary and the heat, a few storms may pop as we head into late Saturday afternoon and evening. We will see similar conditions Sunday with highs close to 100°.