

Heat advisories possible later this week


25 WEATHER — Upper-90s are in the forecast for this afternoon along with plenty of sunshine. Any showers are expected to stay south of us. It could be a while before any rain returns. In fact, I do not have any rain opportunities in the latest 10-day forecast. We'll see a lot of sunshine over the next few days as high pressure gets stronger. This will lead to the hottest stretch of the year so far.

We should reach 100° tomorrow, with the possibility to exceed that mark from Wednesday through Friday. This is when some heat advisories could make their return for Central Texas. Mostly sunny conditions will lead to partly cloudy skies for next weekend. By then, afternoons will be staying just below 100°. As previously mentioned, nothing in this forecast points to any rain headed our way. Fortunately we do not have any local areas in drought right now.

Caleb Chevalier
25 Weather