CENTRAL TEXAS — Though it was quite sunny today, some clouds will make a return for tomorrow. Regardless, temperatures will continue to climb, and many places will top out around 70°. The clouds will thicken up Sunday night and by Monday morning there will likely be some scattered showers ongoing. A bit more sun by the afternoon could push temperatures on Monday into the upper-70s, if not low-80s. A thunderstorm threat that day looks highly conditional, and right now, I'm only going with showers.
Scattered showers will continue on Tuesday as a cold front approaches. Before it arrives, temperatures could reach the 80s again, then the weather will take a sharply colder turn going into Wednesday. Rain could still be falling on Thursday morning, and by that time, temperatures may be around freezing. As such, we'll have to watch for some freezing rain potential, but it's too early for the data to handle any specifics.
Caleb Chevalier
KXXV Meteorologist