CENTRAL TEXAS — Get ready for more heat as we kick off your Monday! Highs will climb into the upper 90s and triple digits, with the high humidity making it feel more like 115 or higher at times. Once again, try to limit your time outside after lunch if possible. If you have to be out in the heat of the day, take frequent breaks in the shade. Regardless of if you're going to be outside or inside, drink plenty of water.
Watch for signs of heat illnesses. If you're on the left side of the graphic, find a cool place. If you end up on the right side, call 911.
In addition to the heat, there is a chance we get an isolated storm to pop up late in the afternoon or evening. If one does get going, the potential is there for hail and high winds.
Tomorrow should have a lower rain chance, but it will still be hot and humid. There are some signs we could see an easing of the heat as the ridge relaxes for the middle of this week. That would also bring some rain chances. The humidity will still make it feel like the triple digits, but it's baby steps right?
Have a great Juneteenth and stay cool!
Meteorologist Josh Johns
25 Weather