

Student wearing BLM shirt says she was kicked out of Trump rally


By: WMCActionNews5 Staff

SOUTHAVEN, MS (WMC) - Not everyone who went to the rally in Southaven on Tuesday night got to see President Trump speak.

One Desoto Central High student said she was thrown out of the rally because of what she was wearing.

Alexis Cobb, 17, was wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt and said she wanted to see the President even though she doesn’t share his views.

"You know, it’s not OK,” Cobb said. “It’s not OK for it to happen to anybody. It’s not OK for us to be so divided in our world that people who may not agree with what the President says cannot come and listen to him speak. There’s a problem with that.”

Cobb said she was waiting in line at a concession stand when a Secret Service agent asked her to leave.

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