Slideshow: Mugshots of September

Charges: Unknown offense
Arresting agency: Temple police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unlawful possesion of a firearm, Manufacture with intent to deliver
Arresting agency: Bell County Sheriff's Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Assault of a family/household member with prior convictions
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Murder
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Deadly conduct discharge firearm
Arresting Agency: Harker Heights Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Salado Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Bail jumping and fail to appear felony
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Indenecy with a child - sexual contact
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Driving while intoxicated, 3rd or more
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Evading arrest/ detention
Arresting Agency: US Marshals Service Waco(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Debit/credit card abuse of the elderly
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Belton Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
Arresting Agency: Transcor(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Assault on a family/house member impeading breath/circulation x2
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Theft of property
Arresting Agency: Fort Hood Confinement(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Assault of a family/household member with prior convictions
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Harassment of a public servant
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Robbery
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown, prohibited susbtance/item in correctional facility
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Burlgary of a habitation
Arresting agency: Belton police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
Arresting agency: Bell County Sheriff's Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Assault of a family member, strangulation
Arresting agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Assault of a family member
Arresting agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Possession
Arresting agency: Coryell County Sheriff's Office(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Evading arrest
Arresting agency: Temple police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Robbery
Arresting agency: Killeen police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unlawful possession of a firearm, Possession
Arresting agency: Killeen police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Aggravated sexual assault of a child
Arresting agency: Salado police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Bail jumping and failure to appear felony
Arresting Agency: Other In State Agency(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Belton Police Department(Source; Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Belton Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Harker Heights Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Burglary of habitation
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown, possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Aggravated assault of a child
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Robbery
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff's Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Evading arrest
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Capital murder while remuneration
Arresting Agency: Belll County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Sex offenders duty to register life/annually
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Evading arrest
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Assault family/household member with prior convictions
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Sexual perform child produce/direct/promote
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Evading arrest
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Burglary of a habitation with intent of other felony
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Engaging in organized criminal activity
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Theft of property
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: DPS Bell County (Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Harassment of public servant
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Harassment of a public servant(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unknown offense
Arresting agency: Belton police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Evading arrest detention
Arresting agency: Unknown(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unknown offense
Arresting agency: Temple police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unlawful possession of body armor by felon
Arresting agency: Belton polie(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Aggravated sexual assault of a child
Arresting agency: Bell County Sheriff's Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Driving while intoxicated (3rd time or more)
Arresting agency: Unknown(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Sex offenders duty to register annually
Arresting agency: Temple police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unlawful possession of a firearm by felon
Arresting agency: Killeen police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Sexual assault of a child
Arresting agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Possession
Arresting agency: Possession(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Driving while intoxicated third time or more
Arresting agency: Unknown(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Credit card or debit card abuse - elderly
Arresting agency: Harker Heights police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Assault of a public servant
Arresting agency: Belton police (Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Driving while intoxicated (3rd of more)
Arresting agency: Unknown(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Accident involving serious bodily injury
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Belton Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Assault public servant
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Indecency with a child/sexual contact
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Possession of a controlled substance
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Temple Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Unknown
Arresting Agency: Bell County Sheriff Department(Source: Bell County Sheriff Department)
Charge(s): Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
Arresting Agency: Harker Heights Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Evading arrest
Arresting Agency: TxDPS(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Assault of a public servant
Arresting Agency: Harker Heights Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charge(s): Robbery
Arresting Agency: Killeen Police Department(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Evading arrest, possession, tampering with evidence
Arresting agency: Killeen police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Aggravated assault against a public servant (2), evading arrest
Arresting agency: Killeen police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unknown offense
Arresting agency: Temple police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Unknown offense
Arresting agency: Harker Heights police(Source: Bell County Jail)
Charges: Evading arrest
Arresting agency: Belton police(Source: Bell County Jail)