You may have seen some white vans driving around your neighborhood, these vans are a part of a Street View Photography Project that will last until at least May.
These white vans are a symbol of progress for the Tax Appraisal District who has partnered with Tyler Technologies to help the district better appraise properties.
"We contracted them because they can go out more efficiently and photograph a broader area of the County and get good quality photos," Assistant Chief Appraiser, Joe Bobbit said.
Not only do they have better photo quality, but they can upload the photos faster to the accounts.
"Basically we were spending a day getting photos and a day uploading photos and a day routing the next days’ worth of photos whereas they can go out and upload an entire area and it's pretty much done," Bobbit said.
Something that will save not only time but tax-payer dollars.
"It saves the district time and it saves the taxpayers money because we are operating more efficiently and getting better quality photos. We can verify the condition of the property," Bobbitt added.
Which means if a property is run-down or in poor condition, folks will get the tax break they deserve because the better quality photos will prevent over-appraising.
"A lot of people think we are out here just to raise value and raise taxes, but our goal is actually to be as accurate as possible," Bobbitt said.
And it's a simple process.
"The driver will be operating the vehicle, he has a GPS system I his vehicle and he can see the appraisal districts parcels so he can tell exactly where he's at and photograph the property and verify the site," Bobbitt said.
Bobbitt also said you don't need to worry about being photographed, If you are in your yard and the van comes by to take a photo they will come back when you are not outside.
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