The Cameron Park Zoo announced Razak, the baby orangutan, will now be on exhibit with his mother in the Asian Forest.
Born on Jan. 12, 2017, Razak had to be hand reared due to his mother, Mei showing abnormal behaviors that could have put him at risk, the zoo said. Razak was introduced to his aunt, Katai, so she could provide surrogate care for him. Zoo staff also provided around the clock care for the baby orangutan.
Razak was given supervised mesh to mesh time with his mother, father KJ, and another male, Mukah in order to give him quality socialization.
Mei and Kutai are now exhibiting good maternal skills, allowing the 8-month-old Razak to join his outdoor natural habitat.
“Our goal is to have him with a female orangutan at all times in an effort to provide the best maternal care experiences possible,” zoo staff said. “We are cautiously optimistic that Mei is ready and willing to assume permanent care for Razak.”
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