SportsHigh School Sports


Road to Red Zone: University Trojans march forward for 2024 season


WACO, Texas — The University Trojans are back for football practices and they prep to play new competition in their district.

"The two biggest games, you know, on there I think are Belton and Waco. Those are the two that mean a lot for us. And then obviously adding Brenham, a team that's got rich tradition that's been down and it's a small town that shuts down for football, It'd be good for us to see. So, excited about the new district, but still got the same goal in mind and that's the winner district championship," head coach, Kaeron Johnson, said.

This is year two under head coach Kaeron Johnson. The Trojans had a memorable year one with him and this season, their bond grows stronger.

"We're more comfortable around him. You know, he's more like a lot of these guys. He's more like a father figure. He's more like a brother, more like an uncle. It feels like we're at home and we're around him," senior, Micah Willis, said.

"I think, not worry so much. You know, I think at some point you just got to turn it loose and trust the confidence and the talent that you've got on your team," Johnson said.

Changes have come to the roster for University as new players have arrived and other veteran players have stepped up to fill positions for gameday.

"I think it starts with Cade Bynnom, who played quarterback for us last year. Him moving to the slot position and kind of taking over. That deal allowing us to get our best 11 on the field and you know, it's a whole group of guys but just selfless, acts like that and putting this team first is thing that's gonna make us successful," Johnson said.

"I think we got the most talented team in the city of Texas. That's just how I feel personally. So I feel like, you know, when we put all the time together, we got the undefeated season, the first undefeated season around here in a long time," Willis said.

University begins its season at home against Keller Central on August 30.

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