SportsHigh School Sports


Road to Red Zone: A new era begins in Marlin


MARLIN, Texas — Marlin football is back and the Bulldogs look at fall practices as even playing grounds for Central Texas teams.

"Right now, everybody in the state's undefeated and everybody's flying around on the football field and everybody's got a lot of emotion and stuff all over the state, I'm sure — there's nothing different here," said head coach, Jeff Rogers.

"We're just getting ready to go, had a really good summer, meaning — picked up right where we left off and feel good about everything right now."

It's a new era for the Bulldogs with Jeff Rogers taking over as head coach in March.

He was on the staff prior to taking head coaching duties and that familiarity with the team helps establish chemistry.

"I like him — he's awesome. He knows the right stuff, he's teachable, he teaches us the right thing," said senior, Roderick Suiters.

"It doesn't feel a whole lot different to be honest with you — we do have great coaches here," Rogers said.

"Everybody's got their role just excited about our kids and excited about the staff and ready to quit hitting each other and to hit somebody else."

The Bulldogs had a memorable year last season — 11-3 and undefeated in district play, which they were crowned champions.

For this season, the team looks to finish higher than they did.

"Everybody was upset the way the season ended, and you look back on it in four rounds is a good season, but we have high expectations here," Rogers said.

"I feel like we could have did better with weight room, but now we're working on weights running — things like that," Suiters said.

The Bulldogs first game of the season will be on August 30 on the road against Lexington.

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