SportsBaylor Bears


The Baylor Line: The tradition, memories, and impact it has on local students

Posted 8:41 PM, Jul 23, 2024

WACO, Texas (KXXV) — The Baylor line is one of the most eye-catching traditions in college football. Hundreds of Baylor freshman every home game rush from one end of the field to the other.

It's been part of Bears football for over five decades.

"The Baylor Line was founded back in the seventies and since it has grown now to include over 3,000 incoming students, so every new student who comes to Baylor is part of the Baylor Line... and then one of the coolest parts is they fill in the first 13 rows behind the opponent's bench," Dakota Farquhar-Caddell said.

Dakota Farquhar-Caddell is the Associate Director of Student Activities and Robert Reid Director of the Baylor Chamber of Commerce.

"My first thought was I am going to win this thing. As soon as they moved out of my way, I took off running, I didn't look back. I didn't want to look back. I just knew I was going until I was finished. I did end up winning," incoming Baylor freshman, Connor Fowles said.

"It's actually just energetic and passion between every one that is there. It's just all connected as one," other incoming Baylor freshman, Jackson Cramlet said.

With orientation for the incoming freshman class now finished, they will now get to run during the games and taking part in this tradition brings out more of that community experience.

"You're going to feel your heartbeat in your chest, the ground is gonna be shaking and it's gonna be so much power, so much energy. It's going to be nothing like anything you've experienced," Cramlet said.

"There's only six times you get to do it and then you get to do it one time before you graduate as a senior. Your last run you get to run as a senior. Every time the seniors run they're crying... in the blink of an eye, your experience at Baylor will be over, so cherish it, love it and take it in for all it's worth," Farquhar-Caddell said.

We'll be able to see this new freshman class get their first officially line run in Baylor's first game of the season on August 31 at home against Tarleton State.

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