
Teachers torn between the needs of their own children and the desire to return to their students

generic school
Posted 4:11 AM, Jul 28, 2020
and last updated 5:13 PM, Jul 28, 2020

For weeks, school districts have been working on plans about the upcoming school year. Many in Central Texas are allowing parents to decide between in-person and remote learning.

Rhonda Ostic is a mother of a four-year-old and seven year old. She is also a fifth grade teacher who is looking forward to stepping back in a classroom.

"The teacher in you is ready to go back, and the parent in you is worried because I have two kids at home so what can happen if something goes wrong," said Ostic.

Jordan Brown is a mother of three, a one-year-old, a three-year-old and 10-year-old. Her oldest will attend in-person classes. She teaches kindergarten and believes remote learning does not work for little ones around the age of five.

"[I am] so excited to go back. I am ready to see my kids. I treat them like they are mine. In kindergarten they are learning social skills, and it's so important for them to be in school learning that," said Brown.

They hope the community will work together to slow down the spread of COVID-19 so more students can return to their classroom safely.