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'The Federal Government is wrong'; U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions supports Gov. Abbott

Pete Sessions town hall

WACO, Texas — There’s been a lot of talk about Governor Abbott and the border; razor wire, buoys and arresting migrants.

25 News sat down with Congressman Pete Sessions who supports the governor on his border issues, but one organization says it is just causing more racial profiling.

Congressman Pete Sessions stands by Governor Abbott and his SB 4 bill which allows Texas the authority to arrest individuals who illegally cross the border from Mexico.

"The constitution and the laws of this country strongly empower the federal government to have right and responsibility to protect this nation.”

But members of LULAC say that’s just political posturing.

“Our position is this law opens door to racial profiling," Lydia Guzman with LULAC said.

"When you talk about grabbing folks, the people who are wrapped up in it look like me and that’s racial profiling.”

The U.S. Supreme Court told Governor Abbott to take down razor wire at the border, but instead Abbott says he’ll put up more — something Congressman Sessions says he supports, too.

“There is plenty of room for compromise — the razor wire is in 100s of miles of river. Not in large areas, so some impediment needs to be there.”

Guzman says the razor wire is dangerous and only infringes on the federal agents trying to do their job.

“Those razor wires shouldn’t be at border. Border isn’t to be militarized," she said.

Congressman Sessions says he’ll continue to support Governor Abbott.

“This is a make it or break it for the nation and Texas, and we must be able to resolve our differences," Sessions said.

"The administration is not just wrong, but dead wrong, and we need to negotiate.”

LULAC says instead of more razor wire and buoys, there needs to be more administrative support to process the migrants seeking asylum.

“We need more help at border like more judges and courtrooms. We’re hearing the word “compromise” so hopefully they can come up with solution," Guzman said.

“The people in Texas need to pay attention because there are big things that will determine our success.”