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Texas Democrats call out Gov. Abbott after migrant woman and her 2 children drown at the border


WACO, Texas — Texas democrat politicians held a press conference Tuesday to discuss issues at the border, after a woman and her two children drowned trying to make it to America.

Friday night, a woman and her two children drowned trying to cross into Texas from Mexico.

“I believe Biden needs to federalize Texas National Guard, because it is being used to interfere with federal government when it comes to federal government," said congressman, Joaquin Castro.

Two Texas members of Congress say Gov. Abbott is partly to blame for the recent deaths.

“The border patrol wasn’t allowed to be at Shelby Park — their equipment wasn’t allowed, and they didn’t have visibility had they been there they might have been able to prevent drownings," said congresswoman, Veronica Escobar.

This has caused an uproar from the Texas democrat politicians, with some calling for a temporary moratorium on asylum seekers.

"Ending asylum seeking now on a temporary basis is a humanitarian act to protect migrants," said Texas State Representative, Eddie Morales.

The border issues have prompted a video circulating on social media that bothers Morales.

"This weekend there was a video circulating, calling parties to organize in late January to protect invasion taking place," he said.

"Let me be clear, we don’t want or need your help in our peaceful community.”

The democrats say they have a border bill that has been introduced in Congress, and they’re hoping it gets bipartisan support.

Gov. Abbott has firmly stood by his position on his border policies — 25 News reached out to Gov. Abbott’s press team to get a response to the Texas democrats’ comments, and his staff has not responded yet.