

Technical issues force brief delays in Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearing

Technical issues force brief delays in Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearing

Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation hearing was beset by technical issues on Wednesday afternoon, as the Senate Judiciary Committee was forced to take two recesses when microphones in the room went dead.

The issues began at 2 p.m. ET, about five hours into day two of questioning. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, was in the process of beginning his 20 minute period of questioning went microphones stopped working.

The committee went into recess for about half an hour as Capitol maintenance workers attempted to fix the issue. Upon returning, Blumenthal was able to get through most of his questioning session before microphones in the room cut out again.

The committee was forced to take another 15-minute recess to address the technical issue.

It's currently unclear as to what caused the issue.