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Rosebud residents still cleaning up damage from Saturday's storm


ROSEBUD, Texas — Winds over 70 miles per hour Saturday night left major damage to trees and structures throughout Rosebud on Saturday night.

The walls came down on one building, and the local Dairy Queen saw major damage to the roof.

”Just don’t take anything for granted,” said Grace and David Downes, managers of the Dairy Queen in Rosebud.

“This happened in the blink of an eye. We didn’t know it was going to happen like this. Jut be patient with us, we’ll get the business back up and running soon.”

Dairy Queen wasn’t the only thing damaged when the storm destroyed their roof.

The high winds ripped tin from Dairy Queen sending it clear across the street, hitting the roof of a home just inches above a window where someone was watching TV on the other side.

The homeowners say they got lucky.

”I was on the couch watching TV and all of a sudden, 'Bam',” said Stacy and Maness, Rosebud residents.

“The stuff from across the street hit our roof. Fortunately, it didn’t go down a foot lower or it would have hit the glass window and it might have been in the living room.”

That’s not the only damage the storm caused for the Maness family.

”The damage we had was a little bit in the roof where the tin hit,” Maness said.

“It knocked out a car post on my house right here, and it hit the back of truck, and tore the fence down. Other than that, it was a pretty strong wind.”

Managers for the Dairy Queen say the damage shouldn’t keep their doors closed for long.

”Maintenance is supposed to be coming today so we should be open by Wednesday, hopefully,” Downes said.

“That’s the plan.”

Maness said he's working with his insurance company to see if they will cover the damage to his home or if it will be up to Dairy Queen’s insurance to fix the damage.