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Need for sewage in Troy raises questions and concerns for future subdivision plans


TROY, Texas (KXXV) — Neighbors in Troy raise concerns about how the city and developers plan to tackle the need for sewage with newer subdivisions being considered.

  • Two new subdivisions were presented at the most recent City Council meeting but were withdrawn by the developers in favor of more planning.
  • As of now, our neighbors pay around $26.50 a month in water and sewage service fees, but the city is discussing a potential water rate increase in one of the upcoming city council meetings.
  • Troy gets part of its water from Temple, and most recently, the City of Temple raised its water rates, so the possibility of Troy increasing its rates is higher than before.


"It's expensive work, so developers will need to invest in that system to bring those systems to that area," Gary Smith, the city manager for Troy, said.

The need for more sewage infrastructure is a big concern for neighbors I've talked to in the past. So 25 News' Marc Monroy took their concerns to city leaders.

"Eventually, our system is going to require to have to be expanded at some point in the future," Smith said. "I don't have a date yet, but it's very clear with the growth in the city, we will have to increase our water and sewage capacity."

Troy water

25 News was told that the lack of sewage infrastructure presents a problem for new and future subdivisions.

"Getting water and sewer up there, there is water, but there is no sewer system extended to that point of the city right now," Smith said.

As a result -- the housing developers withdrew their current plans in favor of more time for planning out how they want to tackle the lack of sewage infrastructure in the area in the area.

While the developers are in charge of paying for the pipes -- Smith tells Marc Monroy the need for expansion with the water and sewer services is needed in the near future.

"We take a lot of water from the temple, and they've recently raised their rates, and of course, that has impacted us, and it will push us to increase our rates," Smith said.

As of now, our Troy neighbors pay around $26 in water and sewage services, but that could be increased in the future.