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'We'll have a food and brewery concept': Market to open on Webster Avenue early next year


MCLENNAN COUNTY, Texas — This space along Webster Avenue will soon be filled with people shopping, enjoying a bite to eat, that’s the vision developers have for a space downtown to get locals to spend more time downtown.

  • Webster Street Market, a 55,000 square feet space, is set to open next year
  • The market will feature upscale shops selling leather products, jewelry, and more
  • An ice cream parlor are also planned for the market
  • Casa do Brasil, a Brazilian-style steakhouse, has already committed to taking space in the market
  • The market received approval for $548,000 in taxpayer support


This space along Webster Avenue will soon be filled with people shopping, enjoying a bite to eat, that’s the vision developers have for a space downtown to get locals to spend more time downtown.

“We have the anchor restaurant in the front, and traditional retail spaces over here on the left and then the market hall inside,” said Developer Josh Barrett.

A building from the 1800’s that once held the Anhueser Busch stables, will now be a place to eat.

“We’ve got Casa de Brazilian Steakhouse, the ice cream shop, small local businesses,” he said .

"In here we’ll have a food and brewery concept, where you can come grab a drink, get out of the heat, hand with friends,” said Barrett.

Josh Barrett with Wagboo Development partners gave me a tour of the 55,000 square foot building. It’ll be home to more than 16 business, he says they’re hoping to have leather, jewelry and clothing
shops in their market section.

“We will have some regional and franchise components in here as well,” he said.

City leaders believe the reuse of this older building is a special way to incoporate attractions into downtown, as it continues to expand.

“This is a 12 and a half million dollar investment into downtown Waco, which frankly helps the tax base for us down here, and the city of Waco contributing about a half a million which will be used for public space projects for sidewalks, lighting, the parts taxpayers can enjoy,” said Mayor of Waco, Jim Holmes.

But that’s not money from your pockets, it’s from the city’s tax increment fund.

“The TIF money that was put into that fund. It didn’t come from Hewitt. Didn’t come from Woodway, China Spring, It came from just a small area of Downtown Waco. And it came from properties within that fund,” said Barrett.

Barrett tells me although tourism has sparked some of the area’s growth, this project is all about Waco.

“This is a group of Local guys that you know, families who have all lived in Waco who grew up here, and they’re excited to reinvest back into the town they lived in and loved,” said Barrett.

You can expect the Brazilian restaurant to open around February, and the other shops around that time or shortly after.

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