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'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert


CALVERT, Texas (KRHD) — The city of Calvert recently unveiled a new food pantry, giving neighbors access to various fresh and healthy essential food items.

  • With limited places to get groceries and fresh food items, the 'Valley of Hope' brought a new food pantry to downtown Calvert.
  • The 'Valley of Hope' is a non-profit organization that promotes health and education and offers more food options for our neighbors.
  • The food pantry is open every Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and every Saturday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
  • For more information about food insecurity, click here.


15ABC asked Regina Manthei how she feels about the new food pantry in Calvert.

"It's amazing and wonderful. It's so needed in this area. We're so appreciative of it. There's so many hungry in this area, so, we're very thankful."

'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert
Regina Manthei shares her thoughts about the new food pantry.

A new food pantry recently opened in downtown Calvert.

'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert
Volunteers setting up the food items before the pantry opens.

"I think that's wonderful, because the little towns like this need the help," Calvert resident Christie Fickey said.

'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert
Christie Fickey shares her thoughts about the new food pantry.

With limited places to get groceries and fresh food, the 'Valley of Hope' decided to step in.

"What we do know is that we can provide the opportunity for someone to see foods that they may have never had access to or maybe have been told that they don't deserve," founder of 'Valley of Hope', Mina Davis said.

The Valley of Hope, a non-profit organization, brought this pantry to the city to promote health and education and offer more food options for our neighbors.

'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert
The 'Valley of Hope' brought this food pantry to Calvert to offer more food options for our neighbors.

"This will help the community so much," Fickey said.

"They're going to be healthier. They're going to be happier. They won't be hungry. They can function better. They'll know that people care about them, which is amazing," Manthei said.

The 'Valley of Hope' has been serving more than 40 neighbors daily, and these donations also take a financial weight off our neighbors' shoulders.

'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert
Neighbors in Calvert choosing different food at the food pantry.

"For many people, it could be anywhere from $300 to $500 and more if they have a more prominent family," Davis said.

Mina Davis, the founder and CEO of 'Valley of Hope' told 15 ABC this food pantry is about inspiring the community and building a stronger future.

'Valley of Hope' opens new food pantry in Calvert
Mina Davis, the founder and CEO of 'Valley of Hope', shares her reasons for bringing a food pantry to Calvert.

"We're not just here to provide a free lunch. We're here to really empower people and also become that voice and just a space for people to say, hey, it's not something that I just need, but build upon."