CENTRAL TEXAS — Some Texas A&M Central Texas students are using Valentine's Day to emphasize the importance of consent.
The United Way is partnering with some area Title XI students to learn about consent and what it means.
The partnership also provides a chance to get information on how the community can get tested for STDs in Downtown Killeen at the Central Texas Support Services for free.
“A lot of STDs where we live — this has been the case for quite a while and it hasn’t gotten any better if anything it’s gotten worse, and people are taking a lot of risk when they shouldn’t be and there are consequences for that, “ said an employee with Central Texas Support Services.
“Consent is revocable just because something is ok one time does not mean it’s ok every other time. A lot of people end up feeling guilty because they are like I did this one time why can’t I be ok with it the next time. Your boundaries are allowed to change and that is fine, and they should be respected," said Bianca Summers, Student Support Advocate.
The CDC considers anyone with more than twobsexual partners at risk for HIV. It's important to check in with yourself and ask is okay — no means no in any setting.