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Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue


COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KRHD) — The Harvey Washbanger has served College Station for more than 20 years, but now, that business is gone due to an unexpected structure fire.

  • The College Station Fire Department received a call about a structure fire at the Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue at 5:30 a.m. on Monday.
  • Crews attacked the flames from the outside and the fire took out the walls and the roof.
  • The cause of the fire is still under investigation.


15ABC asked Harvey Washbangers Laundromat owner, Michael Lair, what’s going through his mind after seeing his business burn down.

“I mean, it's all kind of surreal. I feel like I have an emotional breaker that is flipped, and it'll all settle in later, but right now, we're just kind of watching and trying to figure this out one step at a time.”

A fire broke out on early monday morning at the Harvey Washbangers Laundromat on Texas Avenue.

Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue
The fire took out the walls and roof as crews attacked the flames from the outside, leaving the building in rubble.

“The fire department got a call about 5:30 this morning for a structure fire at Harvey Washbangers,” Fire Captain, Stuart Marrs said.

“When crews showed up, there was lots of flames, flames through the roof, had a roof collapse, some multiple walls collapse."

Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue
College Station Fire Department got a call about 5:30 Monday morning for a structure fire at Harvey Washbangers.
Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue
College Station Fire Department secured the area surrounding the business.

Leaving neighbors shocked and heartbroken.

“It's wild to think about. There's been like 25 years of a track record of just pouring our heart and souls into this to make it work,” Lair said.

Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue
The Harvey Washbangers logo on one of the doors that wasn't destroyed in the fire.

“I was like, no! You know? Like, how can you not react to something like that?,” College Station resident Gael Salazar said.

Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue
College Station resident Gael Salazar shares his thoughts about the structure fire with 15ABC.

Michael Lair, a co-owner of Harvey Washbangers Laundromat, tells 15ABC that his main worry is not the future of his business but the employees who helped make it function.

Structure fire destroys Harvey Washbangers on Texas Avenue
Harvey Washbangers Laundromat owner, Michael Lair shares his thoughts about this situation with 15ABC.

“There's an awful lot of people here that depend on us for their livelihood, and i'm really concerned about that."

“If there's anybody that is looking to hire, I’ve got some great people, so, please reach out to us because we'd love to find good homes for some amazing staff members,” he said.

Lair told 15ABC that although he doesn't know the next steps, he knows his family and faith will get him through this difficult time.

“We love this community. It has been a wonderful, special place to be. we have a ton of memories tied up, so good lord willing, we'll see what happens."