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Slow down drivers, Valley Mills residents raise awareness about Highway 6


VALLEY MILLS, Texas (KXXV) — For years, drivers traveling on Highway 6 have caused issues for residents in Valley Mills.

  • Reports of several crashes and fatalities 
  • Speeding is one of the issues Valley Mills residents complains about 


"Act like you live here like your kids are here," said Roxy Dhane, a Valley Mills resident.

Dhane said all are welcome in Valley Mills, but before you're welcome -

"If they just slowed down, that's all that matters," said Dhane.

It seems like a simple rule, but some said it's hard for people to follow when driving along Highway 6 in our community.

"85% to 90% of wrecks we go to are one car there's not a curb, or anything involved it's a straight away," said volunteer firefighter Mike Smith.

Smith said with 18-wheelers, speeding and heavy traffic, Highway 6 has a lot of problems.

"Driving down the road, they're not looking around, they're not looking in their rearview mirror, not looking anywhere except straight ahead, and the farthest they're seeing is about 10ft off of that hood," Smith said.

Dhane can attest to this. From the Subway shop where she works, Dhane sees a lot of traffic.

"There's been a lot of accidents lately there was one right there the other day actually, and I think a traffic light would help the situation a lot or more patrolling," Dhane said.

"On Highway 6 from 185 to Hico, you would not believe how many rocks are on this Highway," Smith said.

The speed limit on this stretch of Highway 6 in downtown Valley Mills is 30 MPH, a rule both Smith and Dhane said is barely honored by drivers. We covered several crashes---including some fatalities along Highway 6 in and around Valley Mills.

"Hardly anybody pays attention to the speed limit, they're always flying by," Dhane said.

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