COPPERAS COVE, Texas (KXXV) — Rita Hogan, who fell short in the November election, won enough votes last month to become the new Copperas Cove council member for Place 2.
“Runoff elections are tricky. It’s the middle of the holidays; people are thinking about shopping," Hogan said. "They’re not thinking about voting, so we were very lucky, and many people turned out. I’m very happy about it."
Although a runoff was unexpected, Hogan viewed the extra time as an opportunity to engage with voters deeper, something she truly values about campaigning.
“People stopping to talk and ask questions, you know, ‘Where do you stand on this? Or how do you feel about that?’ Just getting my feedback and getting feedback from them about their concerns,” she said.
Among the concerns Hogan heard most often on the campaign trail were those related to parks and recreation, medians throughout town, and budgets and taxes.
While Hogan has a clear vision for her role on the council, she is also eager to see the impact of the new group of council members. She is looking forward to what they can accomplish together.
“It’s going to be neat to see how the dynamic switches, changes, and moves, and what we can come up with, and what ideas we can have that are out of the box that help the city move in the right direction,” Hogan said.
Meanwhile, Hogan said she understands the local government's significant impact on residents' daily lives and is committed to ensuring the community’s voices are heard.
“I think that’s the most important: communication with the citizens of the town, to the city council, and to the mayor, so we know what you want us to accomplish. We are your voice for budgeting. We are your voice to department heads to let them know what your concerns are and what you want us to do for you,” she said.
Hogan will be sworn in before the city council meeting on Tuesday.
The newly re-elected mayor and newly elected council member for Place 1 were sworn in last month.