FRANKLIN, Texas (KRHD) — Bill Ruland was recently sworn in as the new county sheriff, after winning the election last May. He shared his vision for the future of Robertson County.
- Bill Ruland beat Karen Box in last year's election to become Robertson County Sheriff.
- Sheriff Ruland's top priorities are improving response times, maintaining his staff, removing drug dealers from our county, and creating a safer environment for all our neighbors.
- 15ABC reached out to neighbors who shared their concerns which include issues with stray animals, increased law enforcement presence, and greater community input.
"I feel like I owe it to my community to do the best I can to make it as safe and secure as I can," Robertson County Sheriff, Bill Ruland said.
There's a new sheriff in Robertson County, and his name is Bill Ruland.
Ruland has been an officer for more than 30 years and has multiple goals he wants to tackle as county sheriff.
"We're here to build on what's already here," Ruland said.
"We've already put more cars on the street."
"We've been going after the drug dealers pretty hard and having some success at that."
"We're just doing our best to make it a more safe and secure county for all the people that live here."
While walking around neighborhoods,15ABC gathered valuable off-camera feedback from several residents about issues they'd like to see improved in Robertson County, including stray animals, increased law enforcement presence, and greater community input.
15ABC shared these concerns to Sheriff Ruland and this is what he has to say.
Sheriff Ruland agrees that stray animals have become a major issue and is hoping to have this problem investigated further.
"There's there's not a lot we can do right now. we don't have animal control," Ruland said.
For Sheriff Ruland, a strong presence in the community is crucial.
"Instead of just waiting for something to happen there, they're looking for stuff to happen and they're they're getting them getting it under control as quick as they can," Ruland said.
He invites neighbors to share their feedback and concerns at any time.
"This place is open up. I mean, anybody can come in and talk to me or the chiefs anytime they want to we're very interested in hearing from people."
Sheriff Ruland assures our neighbors that, while his role has changed, he will continue to work diligently alongside his deputies.
"I'm the guy in the front in the office, I get it, but I'm gonna work just as hard as the guys down the hall," Ruland said.