WEST, Texas (KXXV) — The Church of Assumption in West held an Ash Wednesday service. Parishioners are praying for the pope.
- Local neighbors pray for Pope Francis.
- The Vatican reports Pope Francis is in stable condition.
- Father Vaverek said Pope Francis is the visible head of the church and praying for him during this time is essential.
“The Lord is in charge and he will take care of this," West resident and Church of Assumption parishioner Bonnie Archer said.
When Pope Francis fell ill last month, Bonnie and Clifford Archer immediately began praying for his health.
“We are praying for him because of his health and I know that he’s got a lot of strength because he’s such a devoted catholic and he does such wonderful things for our country," said Bonnie.
Father Timothy Vaverek of the Church of the Assumption said Ash Wednesday is a spiritual preparation for Catholics.
“It's important that each day we keep our heart and mind on the Lord so that what we’re doing during the day is done in the Lord and Lent becomes a time for us to refocus that general attentiveness in our life," Father Timothy Vaverek of Church of Assumption said.
Father Vaverek said Pope Francis is the visible head of the church and praying for him during this time is essential.
“We recognize that he’s 88 years old and he has a history as a young man and one part of this lung was removed so he’s vulnerable to respiratory problems," Father Vaverek said.
"I pray that he would come through this with success," Bonnie said.