CAMERON, Texas (KRHD) — Cameron resident Gwendolyn Howard started as a cook at Tex Miller’s Hamburgers in 2020. Now she's the owner of the local staple after her daughter-in-law gifted her the restaurant.
- Despite facing challenges, including racism, Howard says she's dedicated to preserving the restaurant's legacy, which dates back to 1937.
- She attributes her success to her faith and her ability to connect with people through food and hospitality.
- You can check out the restaurant's Facebook page to find out when it opens and when Gwen will be there.
In 2020, Gwendolyn Howard started off as a cook at Tex Miller's Hamburgers in Cameron.
"I would come in and chop the vegetables, roll the balls, do everything," she said.

Little did she know in a few years, she'd become the owner.
"My daughter-in-law's mother owned it, which is Ms. Sandy Terry. She perished in a house fire in 2020," Howard said.
"My daughter-in-law reopened it in 2020, and she ran it for one year. It was crazy because around Christmas, she said, out of the blue, 'I'm going to give you Tex Miller's.'"
Since then, she's continued the restaurant's legacy, dating back to 1937.

"It takes good people to bring good food... I socialize with my customers. I joke with them," she said.
"I try to make them feel welcomed."
But owning the place hasn't come without challenges.
"I have faced racism. I have faced both from everybody, not just one race. From all races, I have faced it," Howard said.
But she tells 15 ABC she owes her success — from her awards to her visitors — to God.

"All over. We have had them as far as China, just had a group of kids from Colorado," she said.
"I see you also take pictures of them as well and sometimes you're in them?," 15ABC asked.
"They be like, well, I'm not going to take the picture unless you're in there," Howard said.
But most importantly....
"My journey here in Cameron haven't always been easy. I'm not from here — that's the number one, and it makes me feel like now you see me. I was accused of being angry, mean, ugly, but now they see me," she said.