WACO, Texas (KXXV) — Waco Animal Control has reportedly taken another pet unnecessarily.
I talked to another dog owner who said her dog was attacked, but animal control still took him away.
Becky Cobern showed me where her dog Chandler was attacked by a German shepherd.
“I’d hear him squealing and see his body flailing all around,” Cobern said.
Her sister called 911 and animal control came and confiscated both dogs.
25 News reached out to the City of Waco and they told us:
“Due to the saliva transfer between the dogs that occurred during the fight, the standard protocol is for both dogs to be placed under bite quarantine and observed for signs of rabies."
This comes a month after we ran another story when Mary Pride’s two pit bulls were taken from her Waco home without cause.

Waco Animal Control reportedly took local woman's dogs without cause
The city said her dogs were malnourished, but Mary disagrees.
A judge ultimately ruled she could have her dogs back and pay no fines.
The same animal control officer was present at both scenes.
Karen Ehgotz, a Humane Society volunteer, said, “The City of Waco has been taking animals without just cause.”
Cobern picked Chandler up from the animal shelter after he was held for 10 days and had to pay $200.
She said he’s clingy and scared and has a huge cut on his neck from the attack.
Cobern told us the city needs to stop taking animals without cause from pet owners.
“I think something needs to be done,” Cobern said.