LORENA, Texas (KXXV) — The Lorena Police Department will be getting thousands of dollars' worth of car dashboard video systems and radar units from the Texas Department of Public Safety.
- In car dashboard video systems and radar units awarded to Lorena Police Department
- Lorena Police purchased body cameras last year
- Equipment used to hold officers accountable
“I see the body cameras or in car cameras as a very necessary tool — it is important — for the integrity of the profession and the communities we serve that we are transparent,” Lorena Police Department Chief Scott Holt said.
“I think it holds everyone accountable,”
The Lorena Police Department will be getting thousands of dollars’ worth of in car dashboard video systems and radar units from the Texas Department of Public Safety.
“The equipment over a period of years either becomes obsolete or breaks, or whatever, and it's not of use anymore,” Holt said.
“$32,000 to the State of Texas is probably not a lot, really in the total scheme of things, but $32,000 here is quite a bit,”
While it's not required by law to have both body and in car dash cameras, Chief Holt told 25 News having both viewpoints helps with investigations and community trust.
“We get multiple perspectives — if there something that we have to review, or there's evidence that we have to obtain, or whatever we're able to review those videos,” Holt said.
The in-car cameras help provide a wider, stationary view from the vehicle. While body cameras show a more personal viewpoint from the officer.
“The justification for us is, obviously, we're a law enforcement entity, but we have interstate 35 running right through our city,” Holt said.
“We find is, is the complaints, the crashes, the injuries, the deaths, are all on Interstate 35 and so that's where we focus our attention.”
The gear is already being put to use.
“We have had one car that the radar was inoperable, and so we'll take that equipment, make it whole again, and put it back on the street,” Holt said.