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Lacy Lakeview city manager cleans up debris from burn exercise

Posted at 7:11 PM, Jun 23, 2024

LACY LAKEVIEW, Texas — "We would like for you to have it cleaned up in 30 days, and if it’s not, let us know, and we’ll give you more time," said Calvin Hodde, city manager of Lacy Lakeview.

Hodde is telling me about the violation notice he received from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. He claims the letter he received gave him 30 days to clean up the debris from a live burn exercise he held with the Lacy Lakeview Fire Department.

We previously told you about what happened when Hodde and the fire department tried to conduct a burn exercise. Hodde's house burned down, and the fire damaged the side of his neighbor's home.

The city and fire department did not follow proper protocol and violated state guidelines. One neighbor I spoke with told me, that Hodde took a long to clean up the debris.

Hodde said the weather made the ground moist, and that delayed their cleanup. He tells me TCEQ gave him direct instructions on the clean-up process.

“Take a picture of the roll off and once that roll off is picked up and taken to the landfill, then just give them a copy of that receipt showing it was taken to the landfill and disposed of properly," said Hodde.

Hodde tells me he wants to clear up some of the talk around town.

"There has been a rumor, that I wanted to rezone this for apartments,” said Hodde.

That can’t happen.

“This is a residential area and in the middle of a residential area and you can’t come in here and do what they call spot zone. Spot zoning is illegal," said Hodde.

Regardless of the rumors, he’s trying to move forward with the clean-up brick by brick.

"We’re in here we’re getting this cleaned up just like TCEQ asked me to do, and I’m not sure what we’re going to do moving forward," said Hodde.