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Kempner Water Supply’s response to resident scrutiny, concerns amid water issues


KEMPNER, Texas (KXXV) — The Kempner community came together Tuesday night to find a plan forward for the ongoing water issues. However, Kempner Water Supply did not attend.

"I've stated that Kempner Water Supply is not affiliated with the city. Funding would not come from the city. So, there was really no point in talking to the city about it," Bruce Sorenson, General Manager of Kempner Water Supply, said.

25 news attended the meeting. One of the major concerns brought up was health issues. Residents said they feel itchy and have rashes after showering or bathing. Others said they have developed stomach ulcers.

"If you've got too much chlorine in the water, you're going to get rashes, ulcers, things like that,” Sorenson said.

“We don't have that problem right now. We haven't had that problem in a long time."

Some residents are worried it stems from the manganese found in the water, but Sorenson said it would take a lot for that to affect one's health. He does not believe there's any correlation between the water and illnesses.

However, many said they're paying high medical bills to find the root cause. On top of that, several are not happy with the $75 base rate. One solution is state and federal funding, grants and programs.

For years, Kempner Water Supply hasn't applied to any. Sorenson said he didn't think they were eligible.

"Anything that we've looked at, we're not able to do. It's really difficult to get those grants, and they're more geared towards low income areas and people that are struggling. Kempner is not a low income area," Sorenson said.

As far as base rates go, he does anticipate an increase in the future, to fund the needed infrastructure projects. Still, he said he wants to be as transparent about that as possible – a concern raised by many at the meeting.

25 news asked Sorenson why residents think Kempner Water Supply has something to hide.

“We get the yin and the yang on that. There's people that say we give them too much information. Others say we don't give them enough,” Sorenson said.

“I would say, if you don't get that information that you want to have, call us. We'll give it to you and tell you what's going on.”

Despite Tuesday's meeting, there's one thing everyone can agree on – this will not be fixed overnight.

However, Sorenson said Kempner Water Supply will continue working with local and state leaders to get our water quality where it needs to be, and where it needs to stay.

One resident has started a petition to hold a member-led board meeting with Kempner Water Supply.

However, one-third of the members would have to sign to push it forward.

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