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Kempner mayor invites Kempner Water Supply to next city council meeting to discuss water issues


KEMPNER, Texas (KXXV) — Kempner Water Supply is facing backlash after months of boil water notices, broken pipes and dirty, unusable water.

Mayor of Kempner, John Wilkerson, said there’s been “an overwhelming number” of complaints.

“I was elected to represent the people inside Kempner and that’s going to be my strongest voice,” Wilkerson said.

He's invited Kempner Water Supply General Manager, Bruce Sorenson, to the next city council meeting to address the problems.

“Dear Mr. Sorenson,

In response to the overwhelming number of complaints regarding water quality and reliability issues, I am respectfully requesting your attendance during the City Council meeting on August 27" 2024 at 6pm.

During this meeting, the City will be holding a public hearing on the issues pertaining to the water. Please rest assured, the purpose of this meeting is NOT to find fault nor for it to become a platform for general complaints. The purpose of this meeting is three-fold:

  1. To facilitate communication between the customers of KWSC, the constituency of the City of Kempner, and the leadership of both entities;
  2. Identify hurdles faced by KWSC as they relate to improving water quality and infrastructure;
  3. Lay the ground-work for the City of Kempner and its residents to better support and find solutions to the hurdles faced by the KWSC.

Through my research, I have located some communication provided to the customers of the KWSC in response to questions presented during previous meetings of the Board of Directors. One of these resulted in a comment made regarding the ineligibility of grant funding. I have invited State Representative David Spiller's office and have been advised they will be in attendance. Perhaps there is something that can be addressed legislatively in the future.

I hope you, or a representative from the KWSC, are able to attend the public hearing and we (the City) can become a partner with the KWSC in finding long-term solutions to the water quality and reliability concerns expressed by many.


John "W" Wilkerson
Mayor, City of Kempner” 

Robert Miller has lived in Kempner for 19 years, and is suffering through the continued water issues.

For him, this is hope that something may change soon.

“It’s out of hand — it's been going on for so long, they can’t control it. They need someone higher up to come in and help out,” Miller said.

Now, the issue is on State Representative David Spillers' radar.

Wilkerson says he and Spiller both want to start the conversation and find a resolution.

“Anything can be resolved if you get people together that want to find a resolution and they work on it together,” Wilkerson said.

Sorenson responded to Wilkerson and said he will not be attending the meeting.

“John "W" Wilkerson
Mayor, City of Kempner

I appreciate your concern for Kempner Water Supply Corporation. I would invite you and anyone else to come talk to us. I can have our president attend as well to address your concerns. Our Board meetings are also a good source for seeing what we are doing and how we resolve issues and what challenges we have in our Capacity, water quality and sources of water. Currently we are working with Chip Howell at Peter Flores office to see what kind of funding or grants are possible. We are a corporation and that changes a lot of things in the grant process. Thank you for your invite but I will not be attending the City Council meeting on August 27, | do not feel that would serve any purpose since we have no affiliation with the City of Kempner. As usual, always willing
to work with you and the City of Kempner.

Bruce Sorenson
General Manager
Kempner Water Supply Corp.”

Wilkerson said he was saddened by the response.

“The folks here are tired of it — they want someone to step up to the plate and facilitate the conversation,” he said.

Still, the meeting will be held, with the goal of finding a way forward for our community’s water issues.

Both Wilkerson and Miller agree, something has to change.

“This is the only route I see to get something done. Please find a way to lower the base rate and get the water clean. That's all I care about,” Miller said.

The city council meeting and public hearing will be on Tuesday, August 27, at 6:00 p.m.

While Sorenson will not be at the meeting, he did agree to an interview with 25 News the following day, to discuss what is next for Kempner Water Supply.

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