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'It's a crime': Hispanic Republicans of McLennan County chime in on Trump's immigration policies

Posted 11:29 PM, Jan 30, 2025

MCLENNAN COUNTY, Texas — Sunday, January 26th, protesters spoke out against the new immigration policies enacted by President Donald Trump. 25News Reporter Dominique Leh spoke with the Hispanic Republicans of McLennan County, who said the new enforcement is about following the law.

  • Duke Machado is the founder of the Hispanic Republicans of McLennan County. He heard about the recent immigration deportation protest through previous reporting.
  • The protesters had signs emphasizing humanity and empathy, Machado tells me he does understand what his neighbors are feeling, but he wants everyone to understand, crossing the border is a crime.
  • Machado says Trumps' policies are aimed at removing violent criminals, not targeting everyday immigrants.


“What would you say to the families who fear separation?” asked 25News reporter Dominique Leh.

“If you’re afraid they’re going to come into the school and take your kids while you’re at work, that is not the plan, that is not the plan, never has been the plan, they’re rounding up criminals, murders, rapists, violent offenders, they need to be gone,” Duke Machado said.

Duke Machado is the founder of the Hispanic Republicans of McLennan County. He heard about the recent immigration deportation protestthrough previous reporting.

“It bothers me that they’re not waving American flags, you know if you’re going to be loyal to this country, show it. If you want to stay here, show it to me. Don’t show the flag of the country you don’t want to return to,” Machado said.

With signs emphasizing humanity and empathy, Machado said he does not understand what his neighbors are feeling, but he wants everyone to understand that crossing the border is a crime.

“Before, people would say, there’s no crime in crossing the border. Well, that’s a lie. It is a crime, but some people are willing to risk everything and commit crimes so they can feed their families. I get that. That’s what I’m saying. I understand. I’d probably do the same thing if I were in their shoes. But when the time came, I would have to pay the piper,” he said.

He also believes a family shouldn’t be separated.

“I think the family should stay together. If they all have to start fresh again in a country that will accept them and help them thrive, that’s probably the answer,” Machado said.

But for the many who wish to stay, 25 News Reporter Dominique Leh asked Machado what he thinks about the current path to citizenship.

 “We can’t let every person who wants to come to the U.S. and become a citizen in at the same time; we don’t have the capacity. Can we let more qualify? Yes, I think we can,” Machado said.

Wednesday, January 29th, Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order telling state agencies to cooperate with President Trumps' deportation efforts

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