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Here's what Doc Anderson's immediate resignation means for McLennan County in Austin


It’s being called an old-fashioned political power move.

State Representative Doc Anderson is stepping down giving his replacement a step up.

Here’s what Doc's immediate resignation means for McLennan County in Austin.

Christopher DeCluitt is the chairman of the McLennan County Republican Party.

He tells 25 News he was “moved" by Doc Anderson’s announcement to resign immediately as District 56 House Representative, a seat Anderson held for nearly 20 years.

“I thought it was a grand gesture on his part. That allows his accessor more seniority in Texas House," DeCluitt said.

Now the governor will appoint a special election for November 5th where a republican or democrat can run for the remaining 60 days of Anderson's term.

At the same time, there will be a general election race for that seat which term begins in January.

This will put whoever wins with an “incumbent” status giving them more seniority in house in January above incoming freshmen.

"There will be 30 new freshmen representatives in the House," DeCluitt said.

Whoever takes that spot will have more seniority because it plays a big role in House.

Pat Curry is the candidate on the republican ticket for District 56 and he says Doc’s announcement is selfless.

"That’s how honorable he is. He cares more about this district than anyone I know," Curry said.

If Curry wins the race, he said the seniority he’ll achieve is significant.

“It will give us a 30 point jump in seniority. That’s 20 percent. That’s a big move," he said.

Erin Shank is the democratic candidate and she says she will be applying for the special election.

"As soon as the governor calls for a special election I’m ready to apply and FedEx the application," she saidZ

She says electing her, a wife, mom and lawyer, to the house would be great for Waco so if she had seniority it would be fantastic.

She says, “It’s time we’re represented by women and moms. I’ve been an attorney for 40 years and this is where we make our laws.”

DeCluitt says this special election won’t cost the taxpayers anything because the special election will fall on the general election.

He tells 25 News that Anderson’s resignation will be good for McLennan County in Austin.

We reached out to the Democratic Party Chairman for comment, but haven't heard back yet.