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Central TX counties rank high in number of work zone fatalities

Work Zone Fatalities
Posted 10:11 PM, Mar 11, 2025

MCLENNAN COUNTY, Texas — As Texas grapples with a staggering number of traffic crashes in work zones, local officials and residents are calling for heightened awareness and caution among drivers to protect the lives of construction workers and motorists alike.

  • In 2023, Texas recorded 26,000 traffic crashes in work zones, highlighting a significant safety concern, with McLennan County seeing 26 fatalities and Bell County 43 from 2014 to 2023.
  • Central Texans believe distractions such as cell phone use and adjusting radios are identified as major factors contributing to these accidents, prompting calls for increased awareness among drivers.
  • With 29 ongoing TXDOT construction projects and an upcoming four-year I-35 project, authorities emphasize the importance of reducing distractions and adhering to speed limits to protect both workers and motorists.


Waco drivers are no stranger to bright orange cones and roadwork signs, and while might be there to keep us safe, that’s not always the case.

“In 2023, we saw 26,000 traffic crashes and work zones in the state of Texas, or at least on state roads, and that’s a shocking number,” said Jake Smith, Public information officer for TXDOT

From 2014 to 2023, McLennan County saw 26 work zone fatalities, Bell County saw 43 work zone fatalities.

After checking in with some of our neighbors, we learned that they believe the lives of drivers, passengers, or construction workers were lost because of a simple distraction.

“I think it’s cellphones, and sometimes when changing the radio, we don’t pay attention to the road,” Waco resident Maria Olvera said.

According to TXDOT, there are 29 active TXDOT construction projects in McLennan and Bell County, but they don’t include maintenance or other types of work that may require work zones.

But with the upcoming I-35 construction expected to last four years, that number will increase.

“There are working men and women behind these work zones that don’t have a lot of protection, they have a hard hat that’s about it, and so we want drivers to understand when they’re approaching work zones, eliminate their distractions,” Jake Smith said.

The leading causes of these deadly accidents come from failure to control speed, and failure to drive in a single lane. Alba Sevillo lives near a work zone, and she see’s this happen too often.

“When I was driving the other day, there was a lady with her phone in her hand, and I knew it was dangerous, especially in the construction zone,” Waco resident, Alba Sevillo said.

Bell County ranks second in Texas for the most work zone fatalities, McLennan County ranks third, and Beaumont, Texas, ranks first.

“Are you surprised by that?” asked 25 News Reporter Dominique Leh

“Yes, I’m surprised we’re at number 3, I think we need to be more aware and pay more attention when we’re driving,” said Maria Olvera.

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