COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KRHD) — City Council set aside nearly $1 million dollars to redesign and make improvements to Mabel Clare Thomas Park.
- The improvements are being made possible by $3 million bond approved by local voters in November 2022.
- The project will include a new pavilion with restrooms, historical and memorial features, improved lighting, more shade, and a variety of play and recreation areas for all ages.
- The project manager tells15ABC the city is hoping to have the designs completed within 10-12 months.
15ABC asked Carter Williford how he feels to know that College Station is making improvements to Mabel Clare Thomas Park.

"I feel like a lot of attention usually goes towards the college students here, rather than like families living in the area, so I think it's a good thing."
Mabel Clare Thomas Park is getting a makeover.
"it's good to know that they care about the people and that they're looking to, like, improve the the public parks," College Station resident Jacob Lopresto said.
The improvements are being made possible by $3 million bond approved by local voters in November 2022.
"I honestly didn't know before you told me that they're doing improvements here, but it feels nice to know that they're like looking out for everyone in the area," Williford said.
The project will include a new pavilion with restrooms, historical and memorial features, improved lighting, more shade, and a variety of play and recreation areas for all ages.

"I feel like this is a really pretty park, and like I barely ever see anybody here, so I think like with the improvements, it would like bring a lot more people in," Williford said.
Jacob Lopresto tells15ABC he believes the park will be much more popular after the renovations.
"I mean, I see people use the courts every now and then, but with the more shading and stuff like that, it'll definitely keep more people in the park," Lopresto said.
And Jackson Warden tells 15ABC, "For the local people that live here, I mean, it's only going to make it better for them."