BRYAN, Texas (KRHD) — Neighbors in Bryan are reeling after an aggravated kidnapping incident unfolded on Finfeather Road late Sunday night.
- Investigators say one person was taken from their vehicle at gunpoint and forced into another vehicle
- The suspect then took off with the victim, heading north between the 2200 and the 1100 block of Finfeather Road before crashing into an 'Interstate Batteries' store
- Bryan Police say the suspect shot himself before they could be arrested
- EMS took the suspect to the hospital for treatment, where police say they are in critical condition
"When I first found out I was just shocked, almost sounds made up, but I mean, I believe it," said Bryan resident, Christian Navarro.
Something unexpected happened late Sunday night on Finefeather Road in Bryan.

15ABC asked Anita Rueda-Garcia how it felt when she found out about this incident.
"Scary, scary — really scary."
Police were called out to an aggravated kidnapping just before 10 p.m.
Investigators say one person was taken from their vehicle at gunpoint and forced into another vehicle.

"This is something like out of the ordinary for me," she said.
"I can't imagine. I can't imagine what was going through their mind to kidnap someone."
The suspect then took off with the victim, heading north between the 2200 and the 1100 block of Finfeather Road before crashing into an 'Interstate Batteries' store.

"Crazy stuff does happen and it does surprise me a little bit, but it seems right, it does seem like it would happen," Navarro said.
Bryan Police say the suspect shot himself before they could be arrested.

"Something was off, something was off, and it makes sense that it ended the way it ended," Navarro said.
Anita Rueda-Garcia and Christian Navarro tell15ABC they are surprised something like this happened so close to home.
"I didn't know it had happened down the street. I had no idea," Rueda-Garcia said.
"I mean, it's scary. It's, you know, happening right next to your home where you're supposed to be safe," Navarro said.
And they hope this is the last time something like this happens in our community.
"Just pray that it doesn't happen, you know, again, or, or close to your home," Rueda-Garcia said.