WACO, Texas (KXXV) — A bill that would allow Texas schools to teach gun and hunter safety is being heard in the state house on Tuesday. 25 News talked to Representative Pat Curry about his proposed bill.
Waco’s Representative Pat Curry got a hearing on his first bill, House Bill 1085, which is set for a hearing in public education on Tuesday.
Pat Curry said, “It’s the first bill we’ve had set for a hearing.”
The bill would offer gun safety and hunter safety courses as physical education electives in Texas public schools. Curry says having more outdoor electives is good, and gun education is essential.
“It’s beneficial to have physical education that supports outdoor activities and can teach about guns and gun safety," Curry said.
The gun safety course would also set a path for hunter safety.
“For children who want to get into hunting, you are required to get a license once you are 16 years old to complete a hunter safety course in the state of Texas and many states by the way," Curry said. "That hunter safety course in Texas transfers for the rest of your life.”
Representative Curry says the courses would all depend on the parent’s approval.
The hearing is on Tuesday at 8 am. If the bill passes, the course will be available to students this next school year.