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Bellmead replaces old street signs with new enhanced signs


BELLMEAD, Texas (KXXV) — Bellmead's street sign replacement program started in 2024. All new signs will have the same look.

  • The goal of the program is to enhance the look of the city and have clarity and consistency with all signage
  • The old signs are for-sale at city hall for $10

"So many people will steal signs illegally and this is funny to be able to acquire this sign legally," Trever Freeman said.

La Vega teacher Trever Freeman has lived in Bellmead his entire life.

After the city's street sign replacement program took off this year— it gave him and other neighbors the opportunity to buy old street signs— after they were replaced with new ones.

He decided to hang his Bellmead Dr. sign in his classroom.

"The kids see Bellmead Drive all the time, we drive down Bellmead Drive and you always hear jokes of people stealing street signs and so I acquired this legally for $10," he said.

The street sign replacement program aims for new signs to be more visible and make traveling safer. It is also another initiative to beautify the city – having all the signs look consistent.

"The city of Bellmead has put a lot of time and money into beautifying everything in the city," Freeman said.

The signage has reflective coating and block numbers on each one– making it easier to see and know where you are.

"With the new signs it seems that the city of Bellmead is kind of safety-minded and being able to have a reflective sign with the block on it, I'm sure is incredibly helpful for first responders," Freeman said.

The public works street crew replaced more than 100 signs last year and aim to replace another 500 this year.

The city says the project costs $20,000. And the old street signs for sale were a huge hit in the community.

"The city posted to its Facebook and within 10 minutes the La Vega St sign was snatched up, so I went with Bellmead Drive," Freeman said.

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