TROY, Texas (KXXV) — A Troy man is facing a $1,200 electric bill after only paying around $200 for his previous bills.
- Larry Hayes lives in Troy as a retired veteran and provides for his family while having to pay off the $1,200 in monthly installments.
- Hayes believes the price increased because of a knocked power line that caused sparks and smoke in November.
- Hayes has since been struggling to put food on the table for his family.
After receiving an unexpectedly high electric bill, life has been difficult for Larry Hayes over the past month.
"It's been pretty tough, real hard, especially when you're helping out your family," Hayes said. Hayes said his struggles began after receiving a $1,200 electric bill.
"Last month, I got a bill for $1,200, and I called them again," Hayes said.
He recalled an incident in November when high winds knocked over power lines near his home.
"The tree fell, and my son and I were sitting on the patio when it started to spark and smoke and make all kinds of noises," Hayes said.
A comparison of his usual $200 bill with the $1,200 charge showed that the meter readings were not significantly different, raising questions about the spike.
Seeking answers, Hughes contacted Oncor and received "lackluster" responses.
"It impacted me pretty well, and I have no idea how I will pay my other bills since I'm retired and on a budget."
Possible causes for the surge in his bill could include extreme weather conditions and aging electrical infrastructure.
Despite the uncertainty, Hughes felt he had no choice but to pay the bill, saying, "So I'm paying it so they don't shut my power off."
Hughes, a retired veteran who cares for his family, remains determined to get the answers he seeks.