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Local tax professionals offer advice for 2024 tax season

File early and always use a private internet connection.
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TEMPLE, Texas — With tax season in full effect, hackers are working overtime to steal your identity.

TAMUCT Computer Information System, Abhijit Nag says when filing your taxes never use any public internet or hotspots, the internet should be secure, and password protected. You should avoid any links sent to you by email or that you may see on social media. If you do click, make sure it opens in a separate tab.

“Before you start filing this year’s tax, make sure you change your password first. Due to data breach or anything if somehow the password is compromised, before you start your tax filing, you’ll already reset your password,” Nag said.

It is better to create a new account and have the multi-factor identificatory on when filing online and change your passwords often. If you decide to file online have your documents ready so that you can complete everything in one sitting.

If you are using a site that automatically fills in the w2 information for you triple check to make sure it is the same as what your employer sent you.

Changes are made every year to the tax laws.

“Statutory changes, bigger standard deductions, new rate brackets, higher earned income credit, and then a flurry of green credits passed right at the end of the year. If you brought an alternative fuel vehicle at the end of the year or made your home or did some home improvement to make your home more energy efficient,” said Mark Steber, Jackson Hewitt, Chief Tax Information Officer.

Earned income credit and child tax credit are often overlooked by locals - the government is still in the process of updating the child tax credit as of right now it is still set at about $2,000 per dependent child.

“And even if it does happen the government and IRS will probably send you checks automatically,” Steber said.

With those changes — life changes are often overlooked by locals like getting married or having kids.
“Stared a side hustle, trading in cryptocurrency, going back to school for yourself or family member or taking care of an elderly parent,” Steber said.

Tax specialists say these changes come with great benefits too and it’s important to file early when you have all of your documents.

“You get your money early, that’s pretty simple math. You file early you lock in your data with the IRS so bad people can’t sweep in front of you and steal your refund," Steber said.

Trusted tax advisors are highly recommended.

“United way provides free tax service in various locations for community people,” said Ren Li Assistant Accounting Professor.

For Bell County residents Life Recovery Center in Killen is also helping, even if you didn’t work you could still qualify.

“You are low income, you are eligible of not filing tax, but if you are eligible not filing tax but if you can file your tax return through a free income consultant occupy your tax ID with the IRS to prevent other people from stealing your ID," Li said.