KILLEEN, Texas (KXXV) — Brutally cold weather can have a serious impact on your skin, and that weather it hitting Central Texas.
- Health, hydration, hormones, and hygiene play a role in skincare.
- Professionals recommend you avoid hot showers.
- Keep skin covered from wind and dry air.
Watch Epiphany learn about the four H's of skin care from a professional:
"Somebody who would have more cracked skin dehydrated skin flaky skin, you can actually visibly see the dryness when they talk or move their mouth," Maria Rodriguez, an esthetician, said.
Maria Rodriguez has been an esthetician and business owner for the last six years. Her own hyper-pigmentation sparked her love of skin care. As the seasons change so should our skin habits to protect it.
She stands by four H's:
- Health
- Hydration
- Hormones
- Hygiene
"Healthy from within, what you are eating what you are drinking directly affects that gut health which corresponds to whatever is coming out through your skin," Rodriguez said.
For hydration drink water and apply moisturizer.
"Regarding hygiene, we have to wash our pillowcases and sheets more than every two weeks. We have to do it once a week, and if you have problematic skin, I recommend every two to three days," Rodriguez said.
Hormones can also travel through food and affect your body. She tells me that right now, it is best to moisturize with creams and light sprays, using a pat method to dissolve them in your skin.
"Because our pores are not this way they are up and down so you want to kind of push and pat so if you notice extra dry skin in arms and hands pushing it in and patting it does a lot better than just doing this even when we are doing it compression adding that compression" Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez says her hydro infusion is a top seller in winter months. It is like pressure washing the skin. Facial peels are more recommended in the spring and sunscreen should be worn year-round. According to a dermatologist with Baylor Scott and White, cooler showers are always suggested over a hot one.
"Water actually pulls water out of our skin so when we are raking those long hot showers it actually dries our skin out," Dr. Julie Boisen, a Dermatologist with Baylor Scott and White said.
For Rodriguez using her own products helps her in her daily routine of keeping her skin looking healthy and beautiful.

"Let's say I go to work out. I am probably just going to clean it off with water you know take a towel and clean off and out some light misted moisturizer and then when I'm done with my workout I'll actually clean it with sunscreen. Keep it very simple and basic at night is when I recommend that 4 to 5 steps when you clean, double clean, serum, moister, and go to bed,” Rodriguez said.
Overdressing is also recommended to protect yourself from this cold. Scarf, gloves, and something to keep on your head.
Rodriguez does offer skin products and free consultations.