CENTRAL TEXAS — According to the CDC, each year about 6,000 babies born in the United States have Down syndrome.
A Central Texas photographer is working to spread awareness on the condition through free photo shoots.
Kelsey Killen was born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. The two year old has the most common form of Down syndrome, Trisomy 21.
"After we found out, it was a push for termination up until 30 weeks that she would have no quality of life," said Meghan Killen, Kelsey' mom.
However, Meghan and David Killen's miracle baby survived.
"From day one, a ton of research and then we just learn something new pretty much every week," Meghan explained.
Photographer Morgan Collier with Collier Lfestyle Photography is working to spread awareness of the beauty behind people like Kelsey.
"Trying to feature other kids and adults with Down syndrome, so that people can see right up close because not everyone has the blessing of knowing someone who has Trisomy," said Collier.
As part of "The Beautiful Faces of Trisomy 21 Photo Project," Collier travels across Central Texas, offering free photo sessions for anyone who has that unique extra chromosome.
"It's very remarkable to me that it's so easy with these kids," said Collier. "It's like they wear their heart on their sleeve and no one else, no single group of people that I photograph come out that easy."
Collier says her goal is to complete at least 12 photo sessions to create an album celebrating people who have Trisomy 21.
On top of traveling anywhere across Central Texas, Collier invites families to her private studio in Talco, TX, if they would like a more exclusive photo session.